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Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Art Block

I'm supposed to make jewelry today and talk about it, but I don't feel like it. I think I'm having "Art Block", like writer's has happened to me before.....prior to opening Argentum, months would go by before I would visit my studio (aka the basement, which I lovingly referred to as "il basiment0" to make it sound more exotic). I would go downstairs to do my laundry and feel very sheepish about looking over to the side of "il basimento" that housed my "studio". I somehow felt guilty, as if I had been neglecting a good friend. These past two days I have brushed past my jeweler's bench more than 25 times, I am certain, and I haven't yet made real eye contact with it yet. What's my problem????? I have been busy with other things, but avoiding the bench. I have been printing more digital cards and pictures for the wall, I emptied out a hutch in the store room so the landlord can take it, had a few customers, made a few sales. I guess maybe the creative process cant be forced. As my mother always says "I have to be in the mood to draw, Luisa", and she's right. When I force myself, I turn out items that I am less than satisfied with. So I need to be patient, but I also need to set myself some goals for holiday shopping. I will publish my list here so I can be held accountable for it. Here it is:
Things I need to make:
more stained glass stars
stained glass ornaments
stained glass nightlights
porcelain bracelets
porcelain necklaces
beach stone bracelets.
One good thing is that I will be teaching an apprentice who should be able to complete some tasks associated with these projects which will make my job easier while at the same time, teaching her valuable necessary skills.

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